Announcing The Independent Witch Group Program
Introducing The Independent Witch Program – a 13 week women’s program that will transform you into a confident, knowledgeable, powerhouse witch. This group program is perfect for those who are in the beginning stages in their path and those who are reconnecting with their path. It’s also great for seasoned solitaries looking to get some confirmation from an experienced teacher.
This program was created to take you out of the books and into the circle. In addition to some history and vocabulary, you will learn now only how to do the parts of a ritual, but why we do them, how we do them, and how to create your own. By the end of the program, you will be able to create all parts of a ritual, learn how to create a beautiful altar, understand the wheel of the year, the Esbats and how to create thematic ritual. You’ll deepen into your sacred voice, learn the theory behind the magick and learn how to create successful spells. And we’ll discuss deity, different perspectives and how to create effective ritual evocations and devotional practices.
You will learn not only the Wiccan ritual system, but we will expand on it, and talk about tailoring your rituals to you and your beliefs. I do begin with the Wiccan systems, as that’s what most common Pagan traditions have in common, and it’s a great jumping off point to see what actually resonates with you.
Check out the demo run-through I recorded live for the Rising Fire Tribe and then click here for more information and to join us in this affordable group mentorship program.
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