Real Life Witchery is a group of witchy women who are making the magickal everyday and the everyday, magickal.
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Hi, my name is Ivy, nice to meet you!
I work with the moon-called, with free-spirits and with not-so-free spirits who need a bit of guidance to connect with their inner goddess.
I am a spiritual life coach, as well as a practicing witch, coven leader and priestess.
I've been practicing earth-based spirituality for over 20 years, and have been teaching, leading circles and covens for 15 of those years. Now I get to apply those skills to help you and others like you!
My mission is to empower women to connect with spirit and live their happiest, most magical lives! I love to help facilitate connection with the divine feminine inherent within every woman, as well as the "outer" god/dess that guides us on our path. I do this by offering coaching, 1:1 and group programs, as well as live and online events.
Access a FREE 90 minute masterclass and receive your free companion guide. This is an excellent primer for any new witch.
Access it Now!Do you find yourself wish you had more time to practice your spiritual path? This is for you!
Access it Now!If you have a goal and you feel stuck, this tool is for you. We use aspects of the elements to create an action plan for you!
Access it Now!When I started this process I was feeling unfulfilled. My role as mom and wife are great, but that was all there was for me. I kept making excuses for not following through with working towards a new career. During our second session I had a clearer idea of what I really wanted to do with my life. Now, I have enrolled in a doula program that will put me on the road to my goal of becoming a midwife. It’s always hard to have a clear picture of what you want, but when someone else helps you understand what you need to do to get to where you want to be, things suddenly don’t seem so unobtainable. Ivy gave me small steps to take to get to where I wanted. I never understood why people would get life coaching. Now I understand and appreciate what life coaching can mean for someone like me. I can’t thank you enough for the clarity you gave me!
Love, Love, Love working with Ivy! I've done a number of workshops with Ivy, "Envision Your Future" being the second vision board workshop I've participated in. Its amazingly effective and has become such a powerful tool for me. Laying out my goals in a tangible format really solidifies them. I hang my board where my family and I can see it and helps them to understand my needs so that its easier for them to be supportive. They even end up sharing some of my goals and we work at them together. Thank you Ivy for sharing your awesomeness with me!
As the Wheel of the Year turns, Samhain, one of the most important sabbats in witchcraft, approaches. Celebrated from October 31st to November 1st, Samhain 2024 marks when the veil…
Lammas / Lughnasadh falls on August 1st and is often recognized as the first of three harvests. There are several themes that you can align with when planning your Lammas…
AKA, everything you need to know to make your own Imbolc celebration! The wheel of the year turns once again in early February and witches in the northern Hemisphere eagerly…
As modern witches, we go through our regular day-to-day, carving out space for our sabbat celebrations. Winter Solstice / Yule is one of the most important -and fun- celebrations we…