Calculating Planetary Hours
This is sort of a different direction than what I often write about- usually my focus is on the practicality of a witchy path, but I’ve seen a lot of questions in my Facebook groups about planetary hours, so I wanted to share this information with you. Planetary hours are a way to take choosing your spell timing to another level, and it’s super empowering knowing that you are aligned with the planetary hour that matches your intention.
Planetary hours are divided into two parts: Sunrise to sunset; and, sunset to sunrise. Each hour of the day and night is calculated and matched to a certain planet for its influence. These influences can either help or dissolve your effort so it is important to calculate carefully.
Because your calculations will be date specific, you’ll need to choose your date FIRST.
When does the sun rise and set?
Step 1: In order to use a planetary hour, you first need to know when the sun rises and sets in your locality for the date you’ve chosen. This is not difficult to find out. You can use your local newspaper, the Weather Channel or check an almanac.
Step 2: Once you find out at what time the sun rises in your area, decide which of the two charts you wish to use. Do you prefer to work during the day or the evening?
Calculate the amount of daylight and night.
Step 3: Divide the number of minutes of daylight by twelve. Example: if the sun rises at 7:00 am and sets at 4:00 pm, you would divide the nine hours of daylight by twelve to calculate when the hours fall.
In our example, the nine hours of daylight equal 540 minutes. 540 minutes divided by 12 means each hour equals forty-five minutes. Therefore, Hour 1 would be from 7:00 am to 7:45 am. Hour 2 would be from 7:45am to 8:30. Hour 3 would be from 9:15 am to 10:00 am and so on until you finally reach Hour 12. You will need something to write this down so that you can determine which planet’s influence is at what hour.
What planet aligns with your intention?
Step 4: Now, find the planet you need for your working below.
SATURN: To insert seriousness and stability in a mind, to induce quietness of mind in excessive altered agitation states, to reduce sexuality appetite and instincts, “to have the feet in the ground”, to set limitations in whatever situation; aspects related to home and houses, to remove bad habits, for karmic related aspects. To remove fears, obsessions and phobias.
JUPITER: For prosperity, increase of material possessions and money, to induce an state of self pleasure, to enjoy loneliness, to become self-sufficient, independence (economical, material and spiritual), freedom of spirit, situations related to religion; situations related to laws and governments; to induce the mercifulness and generousness in a person.
MARS: To increase highly the energy for whatever aspect; increase courage and resolution, protection, to improve highly sexual potency and sexual appetite; for sportsmen and sportswomen; for concrete fields of spiritual healing.
SUN: For spiritual protection, to improve self esteem and confidence, to increase personal magnetism, spiritual healing and health improvement, leadership and command, to get the respect, love and admiration of people.
VENUS: To attract love, to increase sexual and love magnetism, in general to all aspects related to love and friendship; to improve all the artistic skills; for artists, musicians, writers and authors to get inspiration. To improve fecundity in whatever aspect in general (for pregnancy, use combined with the Moon).
MERCURY: Success in every type of exams and tests; improve memory and intelligence; enhance logic skill; improvement of magic skill, to improve communication and speaking skills, to improve luck. All aspects related to transports and communication.
MOON: Spiritual healing; pregnancy, childbirth, dreams and subconscious related aspects. To induce habits in a person. To improve divination skill in a person, especially clairvoyance, to have prophetic dreams; for lucid dreaming.
Find the planetary hour for your working day (or night)
Step 5: Find that planet under the day you choose and look at the hour column to find out what hour is best to perform the working.
Hours | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 (sunrise) | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn |
2 | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter |
3 | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars |
4 | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun |
5 | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus |
6 (midday) | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury |
7 | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon |
8 | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn |
9 | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter |
10 | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars |
11 | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun |
12 | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus |
1 (sunset) | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury |
2 | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon |
3 | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn |
4 | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter |
5 | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars |
6 (midnight) | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun |
7 | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus |
8 | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury |
9 | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon |
10 | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn |
11 | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars | Mercury | Jupiter |
12 | Mercury | Jupiter | Venus | Saturn | Sun | Moon | Mars |
You’re almost done!
Step 6: Go back to step three and find the exact times for the hours you chose! Make sure you make notes or mark the time in your book of shadows. You’ll find that calculating these hours can be a complex process. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. Blessed be!
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