9 Hacks for a Broke Witch
Most of us have been there, especially when we first start out on the path. We see photos of extravagant altars and hear about lavish sabbat celebrations, complete with elaborate costuming and headdresses. Some classes are taught by knowledgeable teachers and can get expensive. Not all of us have the budget for such things.
Antique and Thrift Shops
I love antique and thrift shops to find great one-of-a-kind items. This is especially great for those who create thematic rituals. I like to choose a theme and when I plan one of those sorts of rituals, I like everything to echo that theme. For example, if I’m doing a Lughnasadh/ Lammas ritual and one of my themes is wheat, I’d love a wheat vase and a wheat plate, etc. Have your theme in mind and then visit a thrift shop – you will likely find some new treasures.

Grocery Store Herbs
In a perfect world, each of us would have access to an easily accessible herb shop. However, that’s not possible for everyone. Many herbs for spells can be found at your local grocery store. Something that not everyone knows is that food-grade herbs have to be of very high quality, and unless you know who is growing your herbs, you may as well purchase from the grocery store. Of course, it will be difficult to find some of the more “witchy” herbs. But to save money, start your herb collection with a) herbs you will use in workings immediately and b) affordable herbs you will use in many different ways.
Fancy Altar Alternatives
If you follow witches with a “a witchy aesthetic” on instagram, you will find many beautiful, hand carved or wood burned altar tables. While these are lovely, you don’t need a fancy altar to practice the craft. My first altar was a wooden TV/VCR table. It was really small, but had a cupboard, and was great. Your altar can be anything. It can be the top of a bookshelf (which is what my main altar is right now) or a small inexpensive table. Literally, it can be any flat surface on which you place objects that are sacred to you.

Wildcrafting and Parks
Parks and public natural spaces can be a boon for those who a) have issues finding a place to practice and b) who need to access nature. A public park is usually a pretty decent space where you can practice your craft, though many do not allow open flames – so leave your candles at home. Even if you aren’t working full ritual, connect with the earth and commune with nature. This is especially important if you live in an urban environment. There is a practice called wildcrafting, which is harvesting botanicals from nature. If you choose to do this, please make sure that you do so sustainably and do not harvest endangered plants. even better, grow your own using seeds, or seedlings. Years ago, I purchased a comfrey seedling from Walmart, of all places. It’s still growing like a weed!
Use social networking to connect with people with similar mindsets. Online social groups can be great places to learn and thrive, however, always vet any teachers, and use your gut, your intuition and your own experience when you are making judgements.

Meetups + Free Classes
Meetup.com is a social networking site that connects like-minded people, but they encourage in-person meetings. This is a paid service for hosts, so there may be a small cost to attend meetings, but they are a great way to meet people in-person. Also, you may find some also host free classes as well. Check with your local witchy shops as well. Sometimes free or low-cost or sliding scale classes will be offered.
Barter Arrangements
If you feel like you’d like to learn form a specific teacher but cannot afford it, ask them if they would accept barter instead. Everyone has something to offer. This could be anything from housecleaning to graphic design. Teachers put a lot of hours toward creating curriculums and teaching students, and it’s silly to expect all teachers to give up their personal time- the time that they could be earning money to support their family, or spending time with their family – for other people for free. And those who do, are sometimes ego-driven, so beware. This is not to say that all teachers who do personal 1:1 teaching for free are bad or have ulterior motives, but just make sure that you are respecting their time regardless.
Facebook Marketplace + Others
Need witchy stuff? Check out Facebook marketplace or other marketplaces. Etsy is also a great place to find unique items, and you’ll be supporting super small businesses.

Kindle Unlimited
For those who are new to the path and are financially challenged, check out Kindle Unlimited. I use it to reach fun books, for the most part, but you can also find spiritual and witchy books on there, as well. You pay once a month and can read 10 books at time. These authors must choose to enroll their books in the program, but it’s a resource for those who do not have a lot of money to spend on books.
What’s your favorite broke witch hack?
These are just a few options for those who are looking to stretch their money at this time. have another idea? Put it in the comments below to share with your fellow witches.
I have used old or broken jewelry to decorate my altars or to symbolize something for a specific spell. Also when a candle is to the point it won’t burn anymore I will save those bits to use for sealing stuff up. Or use birthday candles for a spell, they have a variety of colors in a box and aren’t to expensive.