21 Types of Witches: What Kind Are You?
see this question over and over again each day in online forums. New people to the witchy path often feel like they need to immediately define themselves, especially because other people in these forums call themselves things like: hedgewitch, kitchen witch, intuitive witch, grey witch. There are so many different labels that witches use – and a lot of these identifiers take on multiple definitions, too. So, let’s start with why we use labels.
Why labels are important (and why they aren’t)
Labels have a lot of positive attributes. It’s through labels that we quickly identify who we might have commonalities with. And it’s usually through commonalities that we find connection. So, if I identify as a green witch and want to share best practices and learn from other people with similar interests, my best bet is to find other people who also use that identifier. It’s through the things that we associate with the identifier that we can find common ground, and therefore the connection we are looking for. On the other hand, when we label ourselves, we may also be pigeonholing ourselves, and in the example of witchcraft, our practices. If all I’m focusing on is “green witch” things, I might not realize what other awesome things are out there. So, if you are just starting out, I suggest you label yourself as “eclectic” as you explore this wide world of witchery!
Common “types” of witches
Nerdery aside, below are some really common “types” of witches. Please keep in mind that it usually describes the path a witch is on, not the witch herself. Just as your path can change, so can the “type” or “kind” of witch you are.
Celtic witch: A witch who honors those in the Celtic pantheons and patterns their practices after Celtic traditions.
Ceremonial witch: A witch who really enjoys putting together ceremonies and rituals- some of these witches practice ceremonial magick.
Cosmic witch (this one is pretty new to the scene): A witch who uses celestial and planetary energies in their practice.
Cottage witch: A witch who does kitchen witchery, herbal witchery as well as incorporates crafts in their spellworkings.
Dianic witch: A witch who is a woman (usually ciswoman) who primarily honors the goddess– her practices also may include blood / womb mysteries.
Eclectic witch: A witch who explores all options and integrates only the aspects of the craft that she feels called to. She uses whatever and practices however she wants.
Elemental witch: A witch who primarily uses the elements when doing her magick.
Fairy / Faery witch: A witch who honors and/or communicates with faeries. She may call upon them to help in her magic or mundane life.
Gardnerian/ Alexandrian witch: A witch who has been initiated into Gardnerian or Alexandrian Wicca.
Green witch: A witch who enjoys working with the herbs and plants. She usually will keep a garden, create herbal infusions, teas and potions, and uses her dried plants in her magick.
Grey witch: A witch who does what needs to be done, regardless of whether it’s “black” or “white” magick. Magic really has no color, though.
Heathen witch: A witch who honors those in Germanic pantheons and patterns their practices after Germanic/Scandinavian practices
Hedge witch: A witch who walks the boundaries between the spirit world and the mundane world. She may be a medium, an intuitive or a death doula. She can communicate with spirits on the otherside/other world.
Herbal witch: Like a green witch, a witch who grows her own herbs and her magick primarily is earth-based, using herbs as her primary catalyst for spellwork.
Hereditary witch: A witch who was born into a family who practices witchcraft- she’s learned from her family (also referred to as famtrad).
Intuitive witch: A witch who uses her intuition in her magick. She may use intuition to choose her spell catalysts, or to guide her in her craft.
Kitchen witch: A witch who uses what is available to her when she needs to do her workings. Often time this means using food and spices from the kitchen- as well as kitchen implements like knives and bowls. Kitchen witches don’t always have separate altar items- the magickal and mundane are integrated.
Sea witch: A witch who is connected to the sea, and her chosen catalysts may come from the ocean.
Secular witch: A witch who doesn’t honor the god/dess, and instead practices energetic magick. Alternatively, believes that nature is powerful and is god in itself.
Solitary witch: A witch who learns and practices alone.
Traditional witch: A witch who has been initiated in or follows a specific tradition.
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